PowerCLI 13.1 Release: New Features and Improvements

VMware has recently released PowerCLI 13.1, the latest version of their popular PowerShell-based automation tool for managing vSphere environments. This release includes a number of highly requested features, as well as improvements to existing modules. You can download PowerCLI 13.1 here. PowerCLI 13.1 in PowerShell Gallery. New Features and Improvements Modules for SRM and vSphere... Continue Reading →

PowerCLI Script: VM Info Report

Managing a large environment with hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines is a big challenge. Checking something manually on dozens of VMs is very time consuming. That's when scripts and automation come in handy. In this article I will show you a script that will generate a report containing information about all virtual machines... Continue Reading →

PowerCLI Script: Snapshots Report

Keeping a VM snapshot for too long is not a good idea. The VM snapshot file grows over time and you may eventually run out of storage space. If you have a large infrastructure, hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines, managing snapshots may not be easy. The snapshot report script is very useful here.... Continue Reading →

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