VMware Live Recovery Overview

VMware is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of VMware Live Recovery, an innovative solution set to provide comprehensive protection for ransomware and disaster recovery across the VMware Cloud through a unified console. Tailored to safeguard VMware-based applications and data from various threats such as ransomware attacks, infrastructure failures, human errors, and more. VMware Live... Continue Reading →

PowerCLI 13.1 Release: New Features and Improvements

VMware has recently released PowerCLI 13.1, the latest version of their popular PowerShell-based automation tool for managing vSphere environments. This release includes a number of highly requested features, as well as improvements to existing modules. You can download PowerCLI 13.1 here. PowerCLI 13.1 in PowerShell Gallery. New Features and Improvements Modules for SRM and vSphere... Continue Reading →

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